约翰·C. 小调III '67男子篮球和男子高尔夫
John Minor played on the first North Cross basketball team (1962-1963) as an 8th grader. 他成为了球队的领袖和头号得分手. 他高三的时候是队长. 在1964-1965赛季,他被选为全罗阿诺克市-县篮球队的荣誉奖. 彩乐园2app下载于1965年成立了高尔夫球队,很快就能与规模更大的公立高中竞争. 该队赢得了1966年罗阿诺克高中市郡锦标赛,并在比赛中保持不败. 约翰赢得了1967年罗阿诺克山谷高尔夫协会青少年锦标赛,并在罗阿诺克Jaycee高尔夫锦标赛中获得亚军,队友弗兰克史密斯. 这支球队有机会与弗吉尼亚理工大学的新生高尔夫球队比赛,但在一场非常接近的比赛中以14.5比12.5输掉了比赛. Fortunately, both John and Frank Smith won their matches against Tech’s top two players. John continued his golf accomplishments at Virginia Tech. His teams won the Virginia State Intercollegiate Golf Championship in 1969, 1970, 1971, and came in second to UVA in 1972; John finished second in 1970 and third in 1972 in the tournament. In 1971, 在一个成功的高尔夫赛季之后, John received an invitation to represent Virginia Tech in the 1971 NCAA Championship and in 1972; he won the Marshall University Collegiate 之旅nament. |
1981年大学橄榄球队1981年弗吉尼亚独立会议冠军, the ‘81 Football team was the first team to win the VIC at North Cross since 1975. The team’s record was 8-1 and the only loss was by one point early in the season. Many on the team were named to the VIC all-conference team. On offense, the team’s strength was its offensive line and running game. 它以284比43领先对手,场均31分.每场5分. 在国防, 这支球队的优势在于其防线的突破能力以及大量的抢断. 它只允许平均值为4.7 points per game and 43 points for the entire season. 不幸的是, 这支球队没有获得州冠军,因为当时没有季后赛. 主教练吉姆·穆斯卡罗说, “这让每场比赛对我们来说都是冠军赛,指的是没有季后赛的比赛.
前排: 肯特Ayyildiz, 大卫的鸟, 查理Pinkard, 埃里克·汉默, 斯科特·弗莱明, 阿瑟·弗雷泽, 托比岩石, 克拉克值得, 和彼得·克拉姆. 第二行: 杰夫哈钦森,山姆德龙, 大卫·哈钦森, 吉米Mayson, 约翰。约翰逊, 马克桑迪, 卡尔Bumgarner, 克里斯Kuelling, 保罗·希金斯, 和比尔·贝利. 第三行: Bill Fahrbach,Chris Neikirk, Ben Flora, Mike Jofko, Wes Bradley, Tom Branch, Matt Crum, Jonathan Schloss, Tommy Sarvay, and Jim Justice. 第四行: Doug Horn and John Parrott - 教练es; Barney Hammond, 大卫孜然, 和迈克·库勒——经理:蒂姆·皮卡德, Jamie Loftin; Chris Smith, Robby Frazier - managers; 吉姆Muscaro - Head Coach. |
布莱尔·卡尔弗特,95年Girls' Softball and Volleyball, Coach, Athletic Director
布莱尔·崔尔是一个有成就的球员, 教练, 体育总监, and she encourages and inspires a love of athletics in others. Below are just a few of her impressive stats as a high school athlete. Seventh Grade 1989-90: JV 篮球, JV Softball MVP. 八年级1990-91:垒球,全联盟. Ninth Grade 1991-92: Volleyball MVP, All Conference, All 之旅nament. 垒球,全体会议. Tenth Grade 1992-93: Softball MVP, All Conference, All State. 1993-94:排球,全联盟最佳进攻球员. Softball MVP, All Conference, All 之旅nament, All State. Twelfth Grade 1994-95: Volleyball Captain, MVP, Softball, MVP, Captain. Also chosen State Player of The Year by the 教练es of the Virginia, 独立学校排球协会. 布莱尔带领彩乐园2app下载队和她的队友以及年度最佳教练一起参加了第一届VISVA州锦标赛, 唐娜Satterwhite. 此外,她还收到了托马斯A. Slack Award, the Mark Higgins Award, and the B'nai B'rith Athletic and Achievement Award. Blair went on to play volleyball at Radford University from 1995-1997, 然后转到罗阿诺克学院,在那里她从1997年到1999年打排球,1999年毕业. 同年(1999年),她接任该校排球项目的总教练。. Blair taught second grade at North Cross from 2002-2015. In 2015, 在2018-2023年成为体育主任之前,她曾担任学校的助理体育主任. |
Brandon LaCroix played varsity golf at North Cross for five years, leading the team to five Conference championships. He was a four-sport letterman, three-time MVP, and he earned All-Conference five times. Brandon went on to play Division I Golf at Duke University for four years. 大学毕业后, 布兰登打了两年职业高尔夫球,参加过一次美巡赛. Brandon continues to impact the Roanoke Valley and beyond through golf. 他不仅是罗阿诺克山谷高尔夫名人堂和弗吉尼亚州高尔夫协会锦标赛的常客和竞争者, he was also inducted into the Roanoke Valley Golf Hall of Fame in 2019. 虽然布兰登是一个精英和精心装饰的高尔夫球手,他仍然是一个谦虚和忠诚的突袭者. |
林赛·莱弗勒·范德格里夫特,03年女子足球 & 篮球
林赛·莱弗勒·范德格里夫特是彩乐园2app下载大学有史以来最好的女子足球运动员之一. 她在高中四年的足球生涯中都参加了校队,其中三年是队长. She led the team to three BRC 锦标赛 in 2000, 2001, 和2003年 and was named the Most Valuable Player in 2001, 2002, 和2003年. She ranks 4th at North Cross in career goals and points with 57 goals and 153 points, 她以39次助攻排名职业生涯第二. 她还为突袭者队的女子大学篮球队和罗阿诺克明星队和足球奥林匹克发展计划效力. She went on to play Division II Soccer at Presbyterian College, 在那里她获得了所有四年的全联盟荣誉(2003-2006),并在她的四个赛季中的三个赛季获得了全地区荣誉(2003, 2004, 2006). |
吉姆Muscaro男子足球、篮球、高尔夫、 & 棒球队教练,1972-2007
他在彩乐园2app下载大学执教了35年, 吉姆Muscaro 教练ed 993 basketball games and 410 football games. He led the Raiders to 9 VIC Conference 锦标赛 in Boys’ Varsity Football (1975, 1981-1982, 1987-1989, 1992-1993, 1996), 6 VIC Conference 锦标赛 in Boys’ Varsity 篮球 (1979, 1981, 1987-1989, 1993), 8 VIC Conference 锦标赛 in Boys’ Varsity Golf (1976-1982, 1984), and 1 VIC Conference Championship in Boys’ Varsity Baseball (1988). 他还执教过三支州冠军球队:1988年和1993年的男子大学篮球队和1993年的男子大学足球队. In 1993, 他被弗吉尼亚独立会议和弗吉尼亚独立学校体育协会评为年度最佳教练. 1974年,他被《彩乐园2app下载》评为年度最佳教练,1975年被《k8彩乐园app下载》评为年度最佳教练. 在他退役的时候,他的足球成绩是246胜158负5分,篮球成绩是592胜401分. |
唐娜Satterwhite女子排球 & 垒球教练,1971-2011
唐娜·萨特怀特于1971年被聘为彩乐园2app下载的体育老师和女子运动主任. She was instrumental in broadening girls athletic opportunities, 也开始了我们今天还在玩的会议——蓝岭会议和弗吉尼亚独立会议. 她是女子排球和垒球的教练, 带领她的球队在女子垒球(1980-1982)中获得8次BRC会议冠军, 1984-1987, 1989) and 8 BRC Conference 锦标赛 in Girls’ Varsity Volleyball (1982, 1985-1987, 1989, 1992-1994). 1994年是特别重要的一年, 萨特怀特的排球队获得了第一个独立学校的州排球冠军, 萨特怀特被蓝岭会议和弗吉尼亚独立学校体育协会评为年度最佳教练. |
理查德·库克男孩的足球 & 高尔夫教练,1972-2017
Often aptly referred to as the “Father of Soccer in the Roanoke Valley,” 理查德·库克 教练ed boys’ soccer at North Cross for 35 years. 1972年,他被约翰·塔克(John Tucker)聘用, 彩乐园2app下载中学的第二任校长, where he was brought in to teach middle school history and to start a soccer program. 库克甚至更进一步, eventually fostering soccer programs in Roanoke City, 洛亚诺克县, 和萨勒姆, as well as starting the first travel soccer program in the area, 罗阿诺克之星. He 教练ed the Raiders to an impressive 18 VIC Conference 锦标赛 (1988-1995, 1997-1999, 2001-2007) and one State Championship (2007) in Boys’ Varsity Soccer. 在他退休的时候, he had 教练ed 609 soccer games at North Cross and had a record of 449-112-48. |
罗阿诺克,弗吉尼亚州24018 540-989-6641•(540)9897299(传真) HOURS: M-F; 8AM-4PM |
彩乐园2app下载是一所独立的学校, 男女合校的, college-preparatory day school founded in 1944 and governed by a volunteer 校董会.
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