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A Global Community |
North Cross prides itself on being a globally-oriented academic community. 学生要成为世界公民,不仅要了解自己后院之外的世界,还要与来自不同背景的人进行个人互动. 我们的国际学生群体丰富了彩乐园2app下载的文化体验,比参加全球研究证书课程或家庭旅行更能让学生接触国际.
我们的学生从3岁到12年级,包括来自15个不同国家的近600名来自不同背景的聪明才智. We are an inclusive community who enjoys and welcomes differing perspectives, 庆祝我们每个人的独特之处,并相信一个更能代表世界的社区有助于我们所有的学生在离开时为他们的社区做出积极和周到的贡献. With two campuses in Shanghai, China and a sister school in Mendoza, Argentina, 我们的学生能够与另一个大陆的同行交流思想(和护照印章). The Horace G. 弗拉林全球研究项目鼓励通过出国旅行来实现智力和个人的成长, guest lectures and a curated set of curriculum requirements. 在高中完成该课程的学生除了在毕业典礼上获得彩乐园2app下载文凭外,还将获得全球研究文凭. |
百分之百的彩乐园2app下载学生毕业,所有进入学院或大学准备成功. Our students are fully engaged in a variety of enriching academic, athletic, and artistic endeavors and they achieve because they have been challenged, encouraged, and instructed throughout their time with our experienced faculty and staff. After they receive their diploma, every North Cross graduate goes to a college or university prepared to succeed.
我们开设了18门大学先修课程(AP),去年有39名学生被评为AP学者. AP courses include: English Literature and composition; English Literature; Calculus AB; Calculus BC; Computer Science A; Computer Science Principles; Statistics; Latin; Spanish Language and Culture; French; Biology; Chemistry; Physics; Comparative Government and Politics; Human Geography; US History; World History; and Studio Art 2-D Design. Many of our students are enrolled in and will earn a Global Studies Scholar designation on their diploma from the Horace G. Fralin Program for Global Studies. In this exceptional program, students take required courses, attend seminars and lectures, write papers and reflections, experience foreign travel, and meet with faculty regularly to discuss global issues. Those who have an eye for engineering and design can also follow our STEM Certificate track where students take a number of required courses, 参加STEM的课外活动(如编程或机器人俱乐部),并以一个顶点研究项目和演讲完成他们的大四. |
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4254 Colonial Avenue
Roanoke, Virginia 24018 540-989-6641 • (540) 989-7299 (FAX) HOURS: M-F; 8AM-4PM |
North Cross School is an independent, coeducational, college-preparatory day school founded in 1944 and governed by a volunteer Board of Trustees.
本网站列出的所有联系信息仅适用于彩乐园2app下载的官方业务. North Cross School does not accept unsolicited advertisements sent to school email addresses, phone numbers, or fax numbers listed on this site. North Cross School does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, national or ethnic origin, gender, sexual orientation, or any other legally protected status in the administration of its educational, admission, financial aid or employment policies, or any other programs administered by the School. For more information, read our Inclusivity Statement. Accreditation North Cross is accredited by the Virginia Association of Independent Schools. 彩乐园2app下载的初级幼儿园由弗吉尼亚独立学校协会认证,该协会根据§22得到教育委员会的认可.弗吉尼亚法典第1-19条授权弗吉尼亚私立教育委员会对私立托儿所进行认证, preschool, elementary and secondary schools in Virginia. Memberships North Cross is a member of the National Association of Independent Schools, National Association for College Admission Counseling, and Potomac and Chesapeake Association for College Admission Counseling, The Cum Laude Society and the Council for Advancement and Support of Education. Privacy Policy |